IX: Pomegranate
The Greeks' rigged game of pomegranate F/M/K.
Good morning. Today is nonidi, the 19th of Brumaire, Year CCXXXI. We celebrate la grenade, a fruit that contains berry-like seeds.
Pomegranates have a very special but very different meaning in almost every major religion. Just focusing on the Mediterranean, they are a symbol of resurrection in Christianity (though, to be fair, what isn't?), a medicinal fruit in Islam (complete with medical advice straight from the Quran), and a metaphor for righteousness in Judaism (they're said to have 613 seeds, representing the 613 commandments of the Torah, which, at that number, yeah, who's counting?).
But nobody's had a longer and more complicated relationship with pomegranates than the Greeks, who have been locked in an epic game of fuck/marry/kill with the fruit for thousands of years.