I: Coltsfoot
How not to overreact to something new.
Good morning. Today is primidi, the 1st of Ventôse (the fresh maker), Year CCXXXI. We are now in the month of wind. We celebrate le tussilage, a dandelion-like herb that should be taken for asthma and coughs with caution.
One of the most fascinating psychological tricks our minds play on us is called the Baader-Meinhof illusion. What happens is we learn something new – a word, a concept, a label for people – and immediately after learning it, we seemingly encounter that thing everywhere.
It's part of our complex attention attrition, the same thing magicians and pickpockets exploit. Our brains are wired to recognize patterns, which is a marvelous thing, but anything that's completely unknown gets discarded during that pattern recognition, and unless we're trying to figure out what the unknown thing is, it completely vanishes.
This is cute with vocabulary, but it becomes something else when it's a general label for describing people.